400 Years of Dutch-Sri Lanka Relations : 1602-2002

RS. 20,000.00

Titles 400 Years of Dutch-Sri Lanka Relations : 1602-2002
Author Saman Kelegama & Roshan Madawela
About the Book The year 2002 marked 400 years of Dutch – Sri Lanka relations. To mark this significant anniversary, the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka and the newly formed Sri Lanka – Netherlands Association held a two-day symposium to examine the relations between the two countries, to revisit the historical period and analyze the various aspects of Dutch influence on Sri Lanka. This book is a result of the symposium held in August 2002 and contains a selection of papers presented then.

A meticulously researched introduction by the two authors of this comprehensive collection provides the ideal groundwork from which to view the four hundred years of interaction between the Dutch and Sri Lanka, beginning with the historic first visit of Joris Van Spillbergen in 1602, the subsequent capture of the maritime provinces in 1658 and the Dutch rule lasting till 1796.

History has recorded the lingering influence of this interaction, first as traders and then as conquerors, on the many aspects of Sri Lankan life, the vestiges of which remain even today. This collection of essays delves deep into these, recording the Dutch presence as seen in monuments, mansions, canals and more importantly, in the living legacy of Roman Dutch law. The introduction highlights some of the important events and their impact and provides a revealing picture on the subject, from historical beginnings through the cultural interplay, Dutch artifacts, monuments and coming down to current relations between the two countries.

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